Office365 - Do you avoid using 'Share' functionality with tasks/questions?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Sharing a file is easy when looking at a file. However the email people get from it will have a notification-look, which may result in it being overlooked/ignored.

Because of that, you should avoid using that functionality if you want people to notice and read your email. A normal email with the link and instructions should be sent instead.

share screenshot
Figure: Bad example - Sending an email with a file using the 'Share' functionality

share email screenshot
Figure: Bad example - The email sent has a notification-look meaning it may be ignored

Figure: Good example - Link and tasks sent in a regular email

Note: It is a good idea to review SharePoint and Teams stats and tell users not to use this funcionality by pointing them to this rule.

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