Project setup - Do you containerize your dev environment?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Developers love the feeling of getting a new project going for the first time. Unfortunately, the process of making things work is often a painful experience. Every developer has a different setup on their PC so it is common for a project to require slightly different steps.

The old proverb is "Works on my machine!"

Luckily, there is a way to make all development environments 100% consistent.

Video: Dev Containers from Microsoft (was Remote Containers) with Piers Sinclair (5 min)

Dev Containers let you define all the tools needed for a project in a programmatic manner. That gives 3 key benefits:

✅ Consistent isolated environments

✅ Pre-installed tools with correct settings

✅ Quicker setup (hours becomes minutes)

How do I set it up?

Microsoft has a great tutorial and documentation on how to get it running.

How does it work?

Dev Containers are setup with a few files in the repo:

These files define an image to use, tools to install and settings to configure.

Once those files are configured, you can simply run a command to get it running.

Where to run it - locally or in the cloud?

There are 2 places that Dev Containers can be run:

Locally works awesome if you have a powerful PC. However, sometimes you might need to give an environment to people who don't have a powerful PC or you might want people to develop on an iPad. In that case it's time to take advantage of the cloud.

⚠️ Warning - Supported Tools

The following tools are not supported yet

Figure: Bad example - Before using Dev Containers you would be missing a lot of pre-requisites!

HappyDevs 1710232021932
Figure: Good example - After using Dev Containers you would be as happy as Larry!

If you have a reason for not doing all of this, you should at least containerize your SQL Server environment.

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