Do you know how to create nice URLs using ASP.NET 4?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

There are a lot of reasons to have nice URLs for your website:

  • Easy to remember
  • Easy to navigate
  • Better for search engines

Figure: Bad example – This URL is impossible to remember for your users, and even search don’t like these URLs

Figure: Good example – Nice clean URL, easy to remember, easy to guess where I am and good for search engines

With ASP.NET 4 it is easy to create this URLs. The ASP.NET team includes routing features, known from the MVC web framework.

Add a route in Global.asax

protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
    //RouteTable and PageRouteHandler are in System.Web.Routing
        new Route("products/{productname}",
        new PageRouteHandler("~/ssw/Products/ProdCategoryList.aspx")));

Figure: Example on how to route{everything} to page

Note: There is no dependency on the MVC framework in order to use this code.
Note: IIS7 has a module called URL rewrite module that can do this functionality without changing any code. Just a configuration of a "Rule" in the IIS Manager.

Adam Cogan
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