Do you know the first thing to do when you come off client work?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

Here are the first things you should do EVERY time you come off client work:

  1. Get a reference from the last client

    • It is a good way to check the client is happy
    • If your company is a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, these references can lead to competencies such as Custom Development Solutions and ISV/Software Solution
    • An example of what to say to the client is: "We are a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner and I would like to submit a short description of the project to Microsoft, you will receive an email from Microsoft asking you to approve the reference. How does that sound?"
    • Get a testimonial: We would also love a testimonial to add to our website. Would you be happy to give a testimonial for the work we've done for you? Can you please email it to me?
    • Get a Google Review: It would be awesome if you could rate us and leave a Google Review
    • If there is going to be further work down the line, ask to pencil in a booking for say a month's time or so, so that you don't get too booked out by other clients.
  2. The next thing to do is to call your last few clients. You should always be in contact with them at least every 6 months

    • Before the call always prepare.
    • Refresh your memory about the company, project and contact before calling (have a look at their website; have a look at their competitors etc.)
    • Check the upcoming events (Check the calendar on the Home Page to see what's coming up)
    • Know the topic of the upcoming user group
    • Draft out some suggestions in an email (don't send yet)
    • Decide on what value-add opportunities you are going to offer them. Some examples:
    • A relevant and useful URL of an article
    • Mention something relevant to their project from a User Group presentation you saw
    • Maybe you can also invite them to a free Tech Breakfast
    • Maybe an upcoming User Group would be useful. It's a good place to have free training, and to build contacts and socialize (lots of IT managers and developers). Email the User Group link
    • Ask them about their website. See if any work needs to be done - Mention the need for maintenance
    • Call and chat to them about the work you did with them. Ask how everything's going, and if the application was successful
    • If yes - great, see what else you can do.
    • If not - then find out why (was it a technical issue, or the app not meeting the business needs) and offer to improve it. You can offer them a free consultation with one of our account managers.
    • Take some notes on what they liked about the solution.
    • Always ask if they know of some other projects we could help them with, or if they know of anybody that may need some software development gurus.
    • Send a follow up email
    • Send an "as per our conversation". Include some of your notes, a thank you for the time, and CC the Account Manager. If they were interested in a consultation, then ask the Account Manager to follow up

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