Scheduling - Do you know when to use "All Day Events" or start and end times with recurrence?

Last updated by Ulyssesmaclaren almost 10 years ago.See history

People are often very inconsistent with how they make appointments. Sometimes they use full days and sometimes they give a start and end time. It's important to be consistent.

For a 1 day appointment

  • Bad Example - An all day appointment is not as visible and doesn't tell the client when the developer will arrive and leave.
  • Good Example - a start and end time will visibly fill his calendar and also give everyone a shared understanding of when the developer is working.

For multiple day appointments

CRM supports recurring appointments, and this allows for more flexibility in bookings, so you should always use these over using one long appointment for a booking.

This also works better for Service Calendar syncing, as you can see what each person is working on each day.

recurring appointment bad
Figure: Bad Example – If a change is needed on Tuesday’s booking, there will an issue

recurring appointment good
Figure: Good Example – Easy to alter any individual day as needed

For Leave

Leave appointments are the one time when it's actually useful to have the appointment out of the way up the top in your calendar, so "All Day" appointments are better for this.

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