Do you use the best SharePoint navigation?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

On intranets you always want a bunch of links easily accessible and customizable by the end users.

In SharePoint your left navigation can be:

The built-in site navigation

Good points:

  • Built-in – the default navigation system in SharePoint

Bad points:

  • Viewer – Not very pretty
  • Viewer – Can only use emoji not icons in names
  • Customizing – Cant be customized

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Figure: Bad example – Viewing

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Figure: Bad Example - Editing (No customizations)

Good points:

  • Pretty
  • Easy to edit Bad points:
  • Static (only exists on the page, won’t show on any other pages on the site)

Good example:

TODO: Insert Warwick’s video when made

Figure: Good example – Customizing is easy

sharepoint nav good
Figure: Good example – Custom icons and built-in icons that look nice

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