Do you know the best way to take SharePoint data offline?

Last updated by Brady Stroud [SSW] about 2 months ago.See history

In SharePoint 2010, there are quite a few tools that we can use to take SharePoint data offline. Let’s look at our options:

  • use Outlook to synchronize document libraries, calendar and contacts offline.
  • use Excel to take read-only copies of list data offline.
  • use Access to take list data offline – Access also lets you edit offline and synchronize back.
  • use SharePoint Workspace (this was Groove) to take entire Site offline, unfortunately this doesn’t work for calendars.

We think the best way is to use Workspace instead of Outlook:

  1. SharePoint Workspace synchronize an entire site

    a. So when lists are renamed it knows about it.

    b. It also knows about new lists that are added to a SharePoint site Synchronize Figure: SharePoint Workspace synchronizing an entire site

  2. Outlook can be quite busy when synchronizing to Exchange server; it is good to not burden it with more work.

While SharePoint Workspace is quite good, we don’t like to store lists in it:

  1. Access has better filtering, sorting options when offline
John Liu
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