GitHub Repos - Do you write nice commit messages?

Last updated by Brook Jeynes [SSW] 9 months ago.See history

Reading ugly commits is not very pleasant and makes it very confusing when you have to check the commit history.

2020 09 17 17 19 04
Bad Example: The commits have no meaning.

Here are a few ways to improve your commit log.

Tip #1: Have a nice, concise comment


  • Fixed bug with emoji engine
  • Added new emoji filter
  • Updated Architecture Diagram to have emojis

Tip #2: Using prefixes

Even better is to add a helpful prefix to categorize your commits.


  • Fix: Fixed bug with emoji engine
  • Feature: Added new emoji filter
  • Doc: Updated Architecture Diagram to have emojis

Tip #3: Using emojis 💄

In a text message, emojis helps to add emotion and context to plain text. Why not use them in commit messages too 😃?


  • 🐛 BUG - Fixed emoji engine in language component
  • 🚀 Feature - Added emoji filter on Snapchat
  • 📄 Doc - Added emoji’s to changelog

There are a bunch more options to choose from - carloscuesta/gitmoji: An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜 (

Tip #4: Using gitmoji VSCode extension

Gitmoji - Visual Studio Marketplace (

You can even go 🤘 hardcore and use the gitmoji cli - carloscuesta/gitmoji-cli: A gitmoji interactive command line tool for using emojis on commits. 💻 (

commits with emojis
Good Example: Great use of emoji and concise message.

See what emojis work best with each topic here:

emojis list
Figure: Emojis list.

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