Do you write in the newsreader and eyewitness style?

Last updated by Ben 11 months ago.See history

Web content should be written in 3rd person language, as if read by a newsreader. It is objective and describes its content professionally. A good example of this is Wikipedia.

At SSW we don't use JavaScript. We prefer Angular because...

Figure: Bad example - using 1st person writing makes it sound like opinion

Angular is superior to JavaScript because...

Figure: Good example - using 3rd person writing makes it sound like fact


When quoting a testimonial, it is OK to use 1st person writing. Of course, the sentence should be in quotes. Think of it like a newsreader crossing over to an eyewitness for a personal view of the topic.

Don Bradman says: "I thought that SSW's work was fantastic!"

Figure: Good example - 1st person in the context of quoting is appropriate

Adam Cogan
Ulysses Maclaren
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