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SQL RS Auditor

Verify your SQL Server Reporting Services reports are working correctly with SSW Reports Validator!

SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor User Guide

  1. Prerequisites
  2. Post Installation (for IIS 7.0 and later version)
  3. Running SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor
  4. Reports
  5. Timeout
  1. Prerequisites

    1. To install, view the Installation User Guide
    2. To register, view the Registration User Guide

  2. Post Installation (for for IIS 7.0 and later version)

    While SSW SSRS Auditor installer deploy the virtual directory, IIS defaults the web application to use ASP.NET 4.0 runtime. Before you can run SSW SSRS Auditor, you need to complete the following tasks.

    1. Adding an ASP.NET 2.0 Application Pool
    2. Using ASP.NET 2.0 Application Pool in SSW SSRS Auditor

    This section is tested under the following install environment:

    • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise with Service Pack 1
    • MS SQL Server 2008 R2
    • SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor v1.22
    • IIS 7.5

    Adding an ASP.NET 2.0 Application Pool

    1. Open "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager"
    2. Expand the menu under Server name | right click "Application Pools" | select "Add Application pool..."
      Figure: Add an Application Pool in IIS
    3. Adding a new Application Pool. In this example, it named as "TestAppPool", select ".NET Framework v2.0XXXX", tick the box in front of "start application pool immediately", click "OK"
      Figure: Adding a new application pool
    4. Go to Advanced Settings of "TestAppPool"
      Figure: Go to Advanced Settings
    5. In Advanced Setting, change Identity from "ApplecationPoolIdentity" (default) to "LocalSystem" | Click "OK"
      Figure: Change Identity from ApplecationPoolIdentity(default) to LocalSystem
    6. The newly created application pool is shown
      Figure: The newly created application pool is shown

    Using ASP.NET 2.0 Application Pool in SSW SSRS Auditor

    1. Go to SSRS Auditor's application Pool. Right click "SSW SSRS Auditor" | select "Manage Application" | select "Advanced Settings"
      Figure: Go to "Advanced Settings" of SSW SSRS Auditor
    2. To use the new application pool
      Figure: start using new application pool
  3. Running SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor

    Program folder for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor
    Figure: Open default page for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor.
    Default Page for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor
    Figure: Click and open report server.

    Note: you need to enter the correct report server URL if you didn't have it installed to the default path.

    Report folder for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor
    Figure: Report folder for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor, click "01 - ValidateReports" to validate your reports.
  4. Reports

    Validating Report for SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor
    Figure: Validating report for Reporting Services Reports.
  5. Timeout

    Figure: Timeout

    If there is a timeout warning, you need to modify parameters in Web.Config file to allow SQL Reporting Services Auditor to check your report server not timeout.

    Figure: Modify the web.config

    CheckParameterTimeout is the timeout value for checking report parameters.

    RenderTimeout is the timeout value for rendering report.

    The web.config is located in the virtual directory folder. This is typically C:\Program Files\SSW SQL Reporting Services Auditor\WebApp\Web.Config