SSW Web Pager > Screenshots

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Deliver the web to your inbox with SSW Web Pager

SSW Web Pager is a utility that sends any web page to your inbox. This utility has many applications - from emailing you the latest news daily to emailing daily and monthly HTML reports to your administrator. Everything you need will be in one centralized location - the Inbox, saving you from opening many web pages to view all the pages you visit daily.

SSW Web Pager Screenshots
1. Prerequisites
2. Running SSW Web Pager Wizard
3. Step 1 - Record Events
4. Step 2 - Save the XML Communication Transcript
5. Step 3 - Configure the Scheduler
6. The WebPager Command Line Utility

  1. Prerequisites

    1. To install, view the Installation User Guide
    2. To register, view the Registration User Guide

  2. Running SSW Web Pager Wizard

    When you run the SSW Web Pager there will be a step by step wizard to guide you through the web pager process.

    Welcome Screen
    Figure: Welcome Screen
  4. Step 1 - Record Events

    The first step of this process is to start "Recording" events, whereby a browser will be spawned for the user to go to the website which they want mailed. Once the desired page has loaded, the user should close the browser.

    Click the Record button to start
    Figure: Click the Record button to start
    Recording Instructions
    Figure: Recording Pop-up Browser
    Recording Error Message
    Figure: Unable to Record websites
    If you encounter an error, please see this KB Q1292374
  6. Step 2 - Save the XML Communication Transcript

    Once the browser window is closed, the application stores the communication events as XML (as shown below). The user will need to save the XML file as it will be used in the scheduler process.

    The website you want emailed
    Figure: Close the browser on your selected website

      <Operation Path="" ContentType="text/html;>

       <Header Name="accept">image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/x-shockwave-flash, application/, application/, application/msword, */*</Header>

        <Header Name="host"></Header>

        <Header Name="user-agent">Mozilla/4.0(compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 1.0.3705)</Header>

        <Header Name="accept-language">en-au</Header>

        <Header Name="cookie">MSNADS=UM=; MC1=GUID=223f8803fb897e45b66a055a6cedf7ac&HASH=0388&LV=20057&V=3</Header>

        <Header Name="referer"></Header>

        <Header Name="proxy-connection">Keep-Alive</Header>



    Figure: Example of XML file saved
    Select the pages you want to Emailed
    Figure: Select the pages you want to Emailed
    To learn more about XHTML view this KB Q1607560
    Enter your email address
    Figure: Enter your email address
    Command Line Option
    Figure: Command Line Option for Advanced Users
  8. Step 3 - Configure the Scheduler

    The final step is to configure the Scheduler. The user can specify, how often the page will be mailed.

    Click on create to setup scheduler
    Figure: Click on create to configure scheduler
    If you encounter an error, please see this KB Q1137060

    Setup Scheduler
    Figure: Select the date and how frequently you want the page mailed.
    Test your created Schedule
    Figure: Test your created Schedule
    If you do not receive an email, please see this KB Q1460075

    Schedule has been created
    Figure: Schedule has been created

    Example Mail
    Figure: An Example of a mailed website
    If you have problems with viewing images, refer to KB Q1708792

  10. The WebPager Command Line Utility

    The WebPager is a separate executable ("WebPager.exe") that takes as its argument an email address and an XML communication file. What the WebPager does is replay the communication events stored in the XML file to retrieve the latest web page. Once that is done, it emails the user specified in the command line argument.

    As such, one can setup a Scheduled Task running this executable to schedule the deliver of web pages to your inbox.

    Example Command Lines
    Figure: Using the WebPager Command Line Utility