SSW's main services

Web Applications
Ever since SSW developed the very first .NET Website in Australia, we've been known as leaders in Website Development. We treat discoverability, usability, functionality, and aesthetic appeal as four critical elements to a successful website. Read more

Microsoft Azure provides on-demand infrastructure that scales and adapts to your changing business needs. Whether you are creating new applications or running existing applications we provide the best price-performance and end-to-end support.

Dynamic 365
Dynamics 365 combines existing Microsoft products such as Dynamics CRM, Dynamics NAV, and Dynamics AX into one seamless solution. Read more

A web-based collaborative platform integrated with the Office suite. It aims to improve content management by storing all documents in a centralized system. SharePoint can store every version of a document, allowing users to enforce information management policies, and improve efficiency by automating common business processes.

Mobile App Development
We can build your mobile app using React Native, Xamarin, Flutter, Cordova, or Ionic! Read more

Web Design & UX
A well designed user interface can improve your corporate image and sales. We deliver practical, creative and unique user experience for your website/app. Read more